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Who Am I?

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Hi there. My name is Kieran Hanspal. I grew up in the UK in a small village called Copthorne in the county of West Sussex. I have a passion for everything health, fitness and performance related, and love helping people realise their potential. In addition to being a qualified personal trainer and the strength and conditioning coach for East Grinstead Hockey Clubs Men's 1st XI, I am also a dog lover, massive marvel nerd and son to some incredible parents! 

My Story

I have always been interested in fitness, health and performance from a young age. After completing my degrees in sport and exercise science in Oxford I knew my journey was not finished. I had the knowledge  and even conducted by own scientific research but that wasn't enough, I wanted to help people more. Thus, I used my knowledge and experience in the gym as well as willingness to help people to qualify as a personal trainer (PT). Being a PT is much more than being someone who instructs you in the gym. Instead a PT should be your coach, mentor and guide both in and out the gym to help realise the best version of you!


I am also the lead Strength and Conditioning coach for East Grinstead Hockey Men's 1st XI who compete in the Men's premier division, have previously worked with other teams such as OBUHC as well as other individual athletes from football to fencing. In my coaching experience I've found that when training for performance athletes are not only more consistent in there training but are better off mentally which is so vital nowadays.


That is to say it's not all about numbers and how you look but what's more important is how you actually feel within your own body and are doing compared to yourself a week, month or even a year ago what counts. If that sounds like something that speaks to you then contact me for more information and lets get started!



Industry Qualifications

Level 3 Personal Trainer


Level 3 GP Exercise Referral


Level 2 Sessional Hockey Coach


Level 2 Fitness Instructor

Academic Qualifications

PhD - Hamstring Injury Prevention (currently studying)


MRes - Effect of short HIIT on pain tolerance and self paced cycling performance 


BSc - Sport and Exercise Science

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